An Art Service for Business







Delivery and Display Services

Some types of artwork have particular environmental needs and we will advise you of these as part of our Consultancy.

Our installation staff are experienced gallery technicians, employed for their experience in transporting and displaying valuable artwork. They will be able to work with clients' own house staff to hang and display work, taking due regard of safety and care of your premises.

When work is purchased outright, using our installation staff is optional. However, where work is hired, it is necessary for our staff to be involved in installing it. Hanging systems can be supplied and installed, avoiding the need for drilling walls and redecorating when work is changed.

We will transport the work from the artist to your premises and, if hired, pack and collect it.

Do you need advice on how to hang and display art in your building?

Contact ArtsOptions for a free consultation.


Dacre Punt - A Smaller Splash (detail)
Helen Ripley - Sands of Time
Linda Wilson - Sails (detail)
Moira Hazel - Field Patterns (detail)
Mike Ashley - The Stars are in the Stones (detail)
Copyright © ArtsOptions 2003-2006.
Original artwork copyright © the respective artists.
Website by Reticulate Technologies Ltd.